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Who does this?
MissDemeanor (Alli)
I like to write, make pretty things, research, take photos, and spend hours clicking away in photoshop until my eyes are too dry to make out details anymore.

What is this?
This is a blog about health, fitness, food allergies, and random entertaining stuff.

When do you find time for this?
I hear you're supposed to sleep more than three hours a night. Sometimes I manage six. But there's too much cool stuff in the world to sleep for eight hours a night.

Where do you find this?
I am the best at Google. Also I enjoy writing about things and linking cool stuff.

Why would you make this?
Because organizing things is second only to making things pretty in the hierarchy of things that both amuse and soothe me, so I like to organize my thoughts here and present pretty things when I can.

How do you make this?
With my mad photoshop skillz and lots of reference images. I also write about 500 words a day just for fun so I might as well put it to use somewhere.